21st Crowning ceremony of the Fool's Mayor! A long tradition from the past. The Carnevàl di Mat (the Carnival of Fools people) is an age-old tradition, unique on its kind. Once the young people of Bormio chose the Podestà di Mat (Podestà of Fools), a prince elected for joke on behalf of the real governor of the town.
During his weekly kingdom, the power was suspended and the only one rule was to have a pleasant life and a lot of fun. Furthermore, it was forbidden to commit about serious things. Today the Carnevàl di Mat is a reinterpretation of the past: the Podesc'tà di Mat (Fool's Mayor) pick up the Major for a day and Harlequin, together with the group of the Mad, read public and private defects of the newly elected.
- 11.30 a.m.
Ousting of the Mayor, coronation of the Podesc'tà di Mat (Fool's Mayor) and reading of the Pòsc'tà di Mat (Fool's letters) - 1.00 p.m.
Polentata of the poor