Starting from the Piazza delle Sei Contrade, walk west along Corso Roma until you reach the Infopoint, turn right onto Via Bernina and then left onto Via Stelvio until you reach the contrada Dosso. You pass the contrada and continue on Via della Noce until you reach a small chapel. The trail starts shortly after on the right and climbs steadily until we reach a junction, continue on the left (the trail on the right is 351B and goes up to Piscé) and reach a very impressive viewpoint over Aprica. The view of the Aprica area is complete with Magnolta on the right, Palabione in the center and the unmistakable "S" of the Baradello Superpanoramic on the left.
To the east the mass of the Adamello group with the summit of Mount Baitone closes this incredible panorama. The trail continues climbing in the woods until it reaches Mount Belvedere, easily identified by the presence of some clearly visible antennas. In the last part of the trail the views of Valtellina and the area of Teglio, Bianzone and Villa di Tirano are truly spectacular.
When the antennas are reached, the trail turns into a dirt road and continuing we reach the Piscé locality in a few minutes.